Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The big trip with our Fiat Bravo is starting soon. We still need to find a good term to describe this "Smiling Tour de Force". I was thinking also of the following catching words: "3.200 mayors in 3 x 80 days" in reference to the book "Around the world in 80 days" by Jules Verne (a Hungarian as some Hungarians are claiming). The title should be in Hungarian: brief, to the point and easy to remember. Perhaps the best words will come some time during the tour.

Our main sponsor so far has been Fiat. The company has provided us with a beautiful Fiat Bravo, while taking care of service, insurance, but not of petrol and police-tickets (:-).

But a next major sponsor will be the Danubius Hotel Group, supporting with complimentary accomodation in the 19 counties. This is a crucial part of the organisation. This morning I will have detailed discussions with representatives of the Hotel Group and hope for the best.

1 comment:

  1. What an exciting project! And now, we can all follow you from our homes, by reading your posts from the trip!
