Saturday, June 27, 2009

What a wonderful event yesterday in Nyíregyháza, organised by and for the Smiling Hospital Foundation. All my compliments to and congratulations for Éva Kosina, the main organiser. She did a sublime job with the great help from her colleagues Bartha Magdolna, Csetneki Hanna and Mezey Viktoria. For organising events we adopt four main criteria in following order of importance:
1) First is the motivation and attitude to do one's very best. To spend as much time as required to get the job done without talking about the time and efforts involved. The spirit is what counts! And in this respect, the artists in Nyíregyháza have shown a wonderful attitude.
2) The second is the quality of the event. We must always strive for the highest qualities possible. In my view, it was a most beautiful evening,which has been enjoyed by an audience of about 70 persons. The choir, the music, it was all excellent and beautiful. My compliments!
3) Then follows the name-awareness. If the above two criteria are positive, most likely the event will contribute to the name-awareness as well. The evening yesterday certainly has enhanced the good reputation of the Foundation and contributed to make the name more known in Eastern Hungary.
4) Only in the fourth place is the fund-raising factor. This is by far the most difficult element of our events. It could not be expected that our young artists and staff in Budapest have enough experience and knowledge to succeed easily on their own. The past history of communism and socialism has certainly not prepared the younger generation in character and skills to become good fundraisers. In general, too many are spending too much time explaining why things did not work instead of concentrating on finding the ways how things could work and then trying with a great deal of motivation to realise the projects. But the event yesterday was a happy exception on a small scale. Bravo to Éva and her colleague-artists.

I am pleased to have made this 500 km return trip to Nyíregyháza. What we have shown there, is a good example for other coordinators of our Foundation, elsewhere in Hungary. I am now preparing for my trip to Croatia together with Countess Éva with the goal to start soon "smiling hospital" activities in that lovely country.

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