Saturday, July 11, 2009

Day no. 5

An exhilarating day it was! In many places a show of lots of heart and soul from mayors, képviselők and jegyzők.
The day started in Környe. Mayor had not much time, because of festival in his city. But enough time to agree that four members could well be reached.
Mayor of Kömlőd interrupted his own holiday to meet me in his office. Two members may be realistic.
The mayor of Dad was exceptionally hospitable. If her charm and dedication to our project reflects the nature of her small village, then 3 members may well be the result.
A meeting together with the mayor of Bársongyos and the jegyző of both Bársonyos and Kerékteleki. Both were very forthcoming and I much appreciated their clear support. In each village likely to find three members.
Tárkány was one of the two high points of the day. When I arrived at the municipality, mayor Fúto Lajos Sándor was waiting at the front door and led me in the meeting room, where nine képviselők were already waiting. Brief speeches, picture taking and also reminiscing the time when I had arrived in Tárkány on the bicycle five years ago. With a population of only 1.616, are they indeed able to get ten members? If so, perhaps one of the best ratios of all 3.200 municipalities!
In Szákszend again a kind polgármester, who only came to office to welcome me and to discuss to receive three membership cards.
Kisbér was the other high point of the day. Two very kind képviselők, Szabó Sándorné Erzsébet and Vaderna Tamás, arranged our meeting in the local hospital and later invited me for drinks in Hotel Kincsem. More pleasant talks about our families than about memberships. But if their wonderful intentions to support us, are as successful as the races of "Kincsem", we will be great winners in Kisbér!

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