The first day has started! Strangly enough I find walking 2.000 km and biking 6.000 km less tiring than taking the car. But that may be just the impression for the first day.
I met today seven mayors (five on our schedule were on holidays; good for them!). I like to mention three exceptionally happy experiences:
a) The deputy-mayor of Tata very kindly received me as the first of the 3.200 persons representing all municipalities in Hungary. I showed him a nice and very big book and asked for his signature. He graciously obliged and asked to be allowed to write a few sentences as well. This seems to set the example, because the next six mayors also wrote something nice in the big green book. And I now expect to need quite a few more big green books to cover all 3.200 mayors. This is the right spirit for our Tour of Hungary. Thank you Mr Lóránt Horváthy. And we will be even more grateful if you are indeed able and willing to help us with 24 members from Tata for our "Order of the Smiling Knights". Your good intentions are much appreciated.
b) The mayor of Bábolna is an old friend of ours. She already has supported our activities a lot in the past. Her beautiful appearance is wonderfully representing the beautiful city of Bábolna. But appearance and friendship is one thing............., result is what counts and we much hope that Dr Klára Horváth could help us with five new members from Bábolna.
c) A mayor of the small village Mocsa had his daughter ready to be an interpreter (my Hungarian knowledge certainly not good enough for a meaningful discussion). Mayor Áy József explained his wonderful support in many ways. First, he will make copies of the poster I gave him and will hang these copies at strategic places, like the bus-stop, the school and the notice-board at his municipality. Then he will introduce us also to the Red Cross in which he plays an important role. In total, he will try hard to get ten new members in the Order of the Smiling Knights, while his villige of 2.400 inhabitants would require only three members. Thanks to his charming daughter, I was able to understand all this perfectly well :-).
All my thanks to the other four mayors as well. But it would be too long for my blog to describe all beautiful personal experiences of today.
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