Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Second Day of the "Driving Tour of Hungary"

In spite of holidays, eight of the 12 mayors in my schedule were able to welcome me to their office. Each time, there is a brief, but nice discussion. All mayors sofar seem quite receptive to our concept of "entertainment for children in hospitals" and clearly state their support. The actual memberships from each municipality will show whether they succeeded as well.
A special thanks to mayor Horváth Béla, who came to greet me for a short moment and then had to return to the place of catastrophe (a collapse of a bridge because of the bad weather the day before).
The happy face of the Notary Public from Nyergesújfalu, Mrs Adolf Józsefné, and her charming daughter, Livia, will be a long remembered. The daughter acted as interpreter, when her Mother mentioned to remember me from the biking tour through Hungary five years ago. But more importantly, Mrs Adolf Józsefné together with Fleith Péterné and Havasi Sándorné were quite convinced that 14 members (instead of the 8 representing the 7.700 inhabitants) would be identified from their city. If all mayors would be that active and supportive, we would have 15.000 members by the end of next year..................
A most interesting discussion with Mr Czermann János, the mayor of Süttő. From this city the limestone (mézkő) originates for the building materials of many historic buildings in Hungary, such as the Gellért Hotel and the Máttyás Church. The parliament building, however, was built from sandstone (homokkő) and this material proved to be too soft and porous; hence the total rebuilding of the parliament from sandstone to limeston; a project, which started in 1930 and will take an other ten years. I hope to have understood the story well with my limited knowledge of Hungarian..........
My goal is simply to raise as many memberships as I can within the next twelve months. The good discussions with the mayors is a wonderful source of inspiration for keeping up such drive.

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